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Empowered End-of-Life Journeys

End-of-Life Doula, Soul Midwife, Funeral Guide & Death Conversationalist


​Experiences related to death help shape our beliefs, values, fears and concerns about dying and ultimately this thinking flows on to impact how we personally experience the end of life as well as grief and bereavement, over our lifetime. ​As an End-of-Life Doula I join the team of people walking alongside a dying person and their loved ones as they have their journey with death. My offering is one of gentle guidance and care to inform, to empower and to enable each person to have the best experience that they can of dying, death and bereavement.​Drawing on a broad range of non-medical skills and holistic modalities, I provide practical, emotional, and spiritual support that is personalised for each individual, with deep respect for their situation. ​My belief is that when we can be open and courageous with each other about death, the golden threads of LOVE and HOPE woven through our heartbreaks will shine brighter and our griefs might become a little lighter to carry. 

“Death is our friend precisely because it brings us into absolute and passionate presence with all that is here, that is natural, that is love…"

Rainer Maria Rilke


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Funeral Guide & Ceremonialist

Funerals and memorials should strongly reflect an individual's personality and values and ideally they shouldn't result in the acquisition of unnecessary long-term debt

Did you know there is no legal requirement to engage a Funeral Director or Celebrant in New Zealand? The choice is quite literally yours!

With a little guidance you CAN do many things yourself, IF you wish.

Did you know that you can continue to care for your loved one at home after they have died and that you can hold your own funeral or memorial? Heartfelt, personalised approaches to honouring and celebrating a loved one through family-centred ceremonies can create beautiful, meaningful, and healing experiences and memories.  

If you would like to pre-plan your own funeral, get support with keeping a loved one at home after death, or holding a family-led ceremony I can work with you to best meet your families needs.


Together we can craft a unique occasion that is authentic to the person who has died while offering comfort to remaining loved ones.

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End-of-Life Doula & Soul Midwife

Death can be the natural, sacred experience it was meant to be with the right preparation, guidance, kindness and support. 


As an End-of-life Doula and Holistic Healer I offer (non-medical) practical, emotional and spiritual support and companionship for dying people and their loved ones in the moments before, during and even after death. 

When is the best time to get in touch with an end-of-life doula?

The truth is, none of us will fail to die and so, the best time is anytime well before the end of life. Planning for your own death ensures your final wishes are recorded, and you have gifted your loved ones with the peace of mind that they can best honour you and your wishes. 

 Whatever stage you're at and whatever moves you to reach out to me, together we can explore your options, record your wishes and have a plan for your sacred end-of-life journey that others can follow.

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It is safe to talk about death and dying.

Talking about death will NOT kill you.

 Conversations about death or dying are only avoided until they can't be. Unfortunately, by then it can be too late for the most important conversations.

Compassionate conversations have the power to unlock more peaceful, courageous and personally meaningful interactions...and this is particularly true when someone is at the end of their life. 

I coach individuals and teach workshops, events and private group conversations across a range of death topics. The purpose of my work is to encourage people to embrace the wisdom and beauty of death, to decrease their death anxiety and ditch their death phobia.

I love helping people dream up, design and plan for their own empowered end-of-life journey and watching as their appreciation for (and enjoyment of) LIFE increases as a result of this work. 

Contact Me

"When my father was dying we reached out to Sherie for support with funeral planning. Conversations with Dad had stalled. As a Scotsman Dad was very thrifty and he swore black and blue that he didn't want a funeral at all because he saw them as "over-the-top expensive affairs, that would send us broke!" In a single conversation she was able to get Dad talking with us about it all again. She settled his mind that we could have a fitting farewell that wouldn't have to cost us thousands of dollars. With her guidance we discovered ways to save money and got the confidence to do things our way. Dad's farewell was a beautiful event for our family. It was Dad approved "cheap as chips" and just right for us. We are so grateful Sherie helped us honour Dad's wishes and properly celebrate his life."

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